The 99% Deficit Proposal: How to create jobs, reduce the wealth divide and control spending
After carefully reading the post in this Occupy Washington, DC blog, I have come to the conclusion that the 99% movement they are fighting for has no clear responsibility in proposing a way to cut this nation's defecit. Furthermore, their proposed plan is way too complex for it to ever succeed, and does not have a specific thesis in what they are fully proposing. The post begins by restating the argument of the 99% movement in that corporations are to blame for our nation's financial struggles. Directly stating, "concentrated corporate interests have acted with intent to take over government". However, by the end of the post it blames our government structure, personel, and programs on our downfalls. Stick with a thesis and expand on it, do not change your position during the written arguments. Not maintaining consistency throughout the post discredits the position the author is attempting to argue. It makes the readers confused and unable to understand the main ideas of the post.
The author emphasizes ways to fix our country's monetary problems, however that is not his responsibility and he includes way too many solutions. Dissolving programs like medicaid, military spending, student debt programs among others are not ways to fix our economy, for either the short or long run. If student debts were erased, everyone would get an education. However good that sounds, that is classic communism. There are reasons why people who work hard in school become successful who receieve scholarships and grants, etc. People who expect their education to be paid for will not work as hard to be successful, it is imposing laziness in our economy. When in a war, it is uncanny to think about taking away the budget for military purposes. The author compares military spending to education spending in that additional funding for education would produce more jobs. This assumption is absolutely ridiculous. Our soldiers job is protecting our country, they are unable to be home with their families. Just because their job is not domestic, since many soldiers are overseas, does not mean their job does not count. This picture with the post reflects the Occupy movement, and I have expressed my side of military dollars being used.
Again, I understand why Occupy Washington, DC feels a need to rescue our nation's economy because the 99% are the group of people who are taking it the hardest. This is the group of people they are protesting for and argue for a solution. However, the 99% they are representing do not agree with everything they are protesting for. Their plan to fix the economy is unrealistic and too complex to actually help anything. Writing letters to senators and congressmen is a more realistic way to get your ideas rolling. But posting a blog with more than 10 suggestions on how to improve our economy is not going to do any good.
This critical analysis of the Occupy Washington, DC blog is personal and is my own opinion. People have different views and this is my spin on the argument at hand.
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